5 tricks for taking better photos with your android smartphone camera | Techy Blogger

Take your smartphone photography to the next level with these 5 tricks. Adjusting focus and exposure and stunning photos with your Android Phone.

5 tricks for taking better photos with your android smartphone camera

5 tricks for taking better photos with your android smartphone camera


Smartphones have revolutionized how we take photos, making it easier and more convenient than ever. With the advancements in technology, the cameras on our smartphones have become more powerful and versatile, allowing us to capture stunning images with just a few clicks. However, many of us still struggle to take the perfect shot. Here are 5 tricks to help you take better photos with your android smartphone camera.
5 tricks for taking better photos with your android smartphone camera

1. Use the gridlines

One of the simplest tricks to take better photos is to use gridlines. Many smartphones have this feature built-in, and it helps you align your subject with the rule of thirds. This is a popular composition technique where you place your subject at one of the gridlines' intersections, creating a more balanced and dynamic image.

2. Experiment with different angles

Another great trick is to experiment with different angles. Instead of always shooting from eye level, try taking photos from different perspectives, such as from above or below. This can add depth and interest to your images and make your photos stand out from the crowd.

3. Use the flash sparingly

Flash can be a great tool when used correctly, but it can also ruin a photo if overused. When taking photos in low light, try to use the flash sparingly. If you're shooting a close-up, the flash can create harsh shadows and bright spots, which can be very unflattering. Instead, try to find a source of natural light, such as a lamp or window.

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4. Play with the focus

Most smartphones have the ability to focus on a specific area of the image. This can be a great way to add depth and dimension to your photos. Try focusing on a specific subject, such as a person or an object, and then blurring the background for a more dramatic effect. 5 tricks for taking better photos with your android smartphone camera

5. Edit your photos

Lastly, don't forget to edit your photos. Many editing apps are available for android smartphones, and they can be a great way to enhance your photos. From cropping and straightening to adjusting brightness and contrast, these apps can help you take your photos to the next level.


In conclusion, taking better photos with your android smartphone camera is not as difficult. With a little experimentation and practice, you'll be able to capture stunning images that you'll be proud to share with friends and family. Remember to use the gridlines, experiment with different angles, use the flash sparingly, play with the focus, and edit your photos for the best results. Happy shooting!

About the Author

I’m Tanvir Hasan, there was a strange attraction towards technology since childhood, which has now turned into love. Writing started from this love. In order to continue my love for tech and to help you learn new information, I will try to share my …

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