8 quick tricks for making your smartphone battery last longer | Techy Blogger

Learn 8 quick and easy tricks to extend the battery life of your smartphone and avoid constantly searching for outlets to charge your device.

8 quick tricks for making your smartphone battery last longer

8 quick tricks for making your smartphone battery last longer

As smartphones continue to advance in technology, their batteries are struggling to keep up. With the constant use of apps, streaming, and browsing, it can be difficult to make it through the day without needing to charge your phone. 8 quick tricks for making your smartphone battery last longer
However, you can use a few simple tricks to make your battery last longer on your smartphone.

1. Lower your screen brightness: The screen is one of the biggest drains on your battery. Lowering the brightness can reduce the power your phone uses to display the screen.

2. Use airplane mode: When you’re in an area with a poor signal, your phone will constantly search for a better connection, draining your battery quickly. Switching to airplane mode will stop your phone from searching for a signal and save on battery life.

3. Turn off push email: Your phone will automatically check for new emails and notifications, which can drain your battery quickly. Instead, set your email to “fetch” and have it check for new emails less frequently.

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4. Close apps you're not using: When you’re not using an app, it’s still running in the background and using power. Close any apps you’re not currently using to save battery.

5. Turn off location services: Many apps and services use your location to provide better functionality. However, constantly tracking your location can drain your battery quickly. Turn off location services when you’re not using them.

6. Use low-power mode: Most smartphones come with a low-power mode that turns off non-essential features and reduces battery consumption. This can be a great way to save battery when running low.

7. Keep your phone cool: High temperatures can cause your phone to use more power and drain the battery faster. Keep your phone in a cool place, or use a phone case to keep it cool. 8 quick tricks for making your smartphone battery last longer

8. Avoid using vibrate: The vibrate function uses more power than a ringtone, so avoid using it when possible.

By following these 8 quick tricks, you can make your battery last longer on your smartphone, allowing you to spend more time doing the things you love. Remember to be mindful of your phone usage, and you'll be able to spend more time away from your charger.

About the Author

I’m Tanvir Hasan, there was a strange attraction towards technology since childhood, which has now turned into love. Writing started from this love. In order to continue my love for tech and to help you learn new information, I will try to share my …

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